Happy BeerLeg 13th Anniversary
Quote from Wendell on June 30, 2023, 5:45 pmHappy BeerLeg 13th Anniversary, everyone! ???ÿ?ÿ
If you are like me, you're thinking, "WHAT THE... ALREADY?!!?"
Yeah. Today is the 13th anniversary of the launch of BeerLeg.com back in 2010. I know, right?
I was truly hoping to launch the new RPLS.com today, but that's just not going to happen. We are making amazing progress though! I'll post another update specifically about that later.
Anyway, I just wanted to raise a toast to all of YOU. You all are what make this an amazing place to share ideas, stories, assistance, and so much more. I'm just the bungling idiot trying to keep things running smoothly in the background. ?????ÿ
It's Friday, so have a frosty one ??§ and let's see if we can't crank out another 13 years or more. ?????ÿ
[wpftenor tenorid="tenor_16615427" title="GIF" alt="GIF" analsent="https://g.tenor.com/v1/registershare?id=16615427&key=6SCHYYXO2GZV" src="https://media.tenor.com/_5PZvBd7U8wAAAAM/chill-have-a-drink.gif" srcwidth="220" srcheight="204" still="https://media.tenor.com/_5PZvBd7U8wAAAAF/chill-have-a-drink.png" stillwidth="220" stillheight="204"]
Happy BeerLeg 13th Anniversary, everyone! ??
If you are like me, you're thinking, "WHAT THE... ALREADY?!!?"
Yeah. Today is the 13th anniversary of the launch of BeerLeg.com back in 2010. I know, right?
I was truly hoping to launch the new RPLS.com today, but that's just not going to happen. We are making amazing progress though! I'll post another update specifically about that later.
Anyway, I just wanted to raise a toast to all of YOU. You all are what make this an amazing place to share ideas, stories, assistance, and so much more. I'm just the bungling idiot trying to keep things running smoothly in the background. ????
It's Friday, so have a frosty one ??§ and let's see if we can't crank out another 13 years or more. ????
Quote from brad-ott on June 30, 2023, 6:00 pm
I think we were on vacation then, too!
Atta boy.
Let’s go!
~13 seconds video (1 per year):
I think we were on vacation then, too!
Atta boy.
Let’s go!
~13 seconds video (1 per year):