Somewhere between Loyal and Warren Smith.?ÿ Old enough to not remember the event.
im not from South Bend, but that is the nearest town people will have heard of.
Spent a few years in Berrien County, Michigan, right next door.?ÿ Had little money and plenty of time so we drove around a lot just seeing what there was to see on the weekends.?ÿ One place we enjoyed was called Amish Acres, I think, somewhere southeast of South Bend.?ÿ Ate so much wonderful food I wasn't sure I would survive.?ÿ I remember clearly that a large number of Amish from that location transplanted themselves near Hesston, Kansas.
Yeah, I have tried to track her down via the VIN and had no luck. 😥
??Satisfaction? by the Stones was #1 when I was born in July of ??65
Tunes of my time were "You Always Hurt the One You Love", "I'll Walk Alone", "I'll Get By". "Till Then", "Time Waits for No One", "Sentimental Journey", and "Long Ago and Far Away".
Is there a pattern there??
@daniel-ralph I was told that Mom almost did not make it to the hospital. It was about the same temperature as you describe and was a big blizzard in Nebraska that week. I also heard many stories about the winter of 1949 almost all of my life.
@jerry-hastings My mom was driven to the hospital to have me by our neighbor, a milk driver/salesman, in a Carnation milk truck.
5th amendment!
Summer of '53
@jerry-hastings?ÿ?ÿ My mom was driven to the hospital to have me by our neighbor, a milk driver/salesman, in a Carnation milk truck.
Are you sure it wasn't a Milk WAGON ol' timer!
Same year as my first car, the Blue Goose, 55 Ford,3 on the tree and air conditioned through the rotted out hole in the driver side floorboard. Summer.
@loyal I don't think it was horse drawn. It might have been a dinosaur.