Well, It's official. After 32 years, Salt Lake Community College is shutting down the Geomatics (Land Surveying) AAS program at the end of the school year. They've been too afraid to let us instructors in on any of the details, but it's in this year's catalog.
I've been teaching the Land Boundary Law course (SVTT 1150 and SVTT1160) in the fall and spring semesters since what seems the beginning of time. The Boundary Law courses (along with most of the other program courses) were converted to online several years ago, but they've not really been promoted well.
An alternative is available through the Utah Valley University where they have a full bachelor program along with an AAS, AS, and several certification tracks available.
If anyone is interested in taking my Boundary Law class in its final year, enroll now!! I've got six students currently enrolled and can handle many more. I'd really like to see this program go out with a bang. I might make them re-think their decision to terminate it.
I really will miss teaching this course after 30+ years. It's been a good ride.
Really nice of THEM to treat the faculty in this manner.
I don't think I can make the application and enrollment deadline, dammit.
I'll see you at a conference next month in Colorado though, but hardly a full semester of the same
Sorry they are not understanding how important survey is.
Thanks for all you contributions and the future too.
Can i take it online from the east coast. I will look into it if i can do it online. We need more ways to get edumacated in surveying not less. If online is it live or can it be watched later. I can drop some money for the course for sure.
@jbstahl Are the courses synchronous or asynchronous?
They're asynchronous. The fall semester starts August 22nd. BLaw 1 will be on its last run. BLaw 2 will run Spring semester 2024. Each week is basically a new topic. Many are independent topics. Some build on one another.
The classes are temporarily recorded. I'll see if I can obtain copies of the recordings. I'll also check to see if there is any way to fast track the registration process. The class always goes better with more variety of students.
That is sad news indeed, especially for an alumnus of the program.
Thank you, John, for your many contributions to the betterment of our profession.
Can i take it online from the east coast. I will look into it if i can do it online.
Yes. You can take the course from anywhere the internet travels.
I don't think I can make the application and enrollment deadline, dammit.
I checked with the registrar's office. The registration takes about 48 hours to process ($20 fee). Enrollment deadline for the course is August 17th. Working on finding more information about the enrollment process. Typical college course fees may apply. In-state and out-of-state registration will make the biggest affordability difference. Not sure yet if there's a way around some of the cost. I'll let you know if I find anything out.
This is very sad to hear.
Sad, but SLCC's loss will be somebody else's gain. One healthy program is better than two on life support.
JB, the presentation you gave at the PLSO Conference some years back remains the best I've ever attended. Certainly the 90 page handout - which approached textbook quality - is, hands down. And I've been doing these things every year for 26 years.
Sad, but SLCC's loss will be somebody else's gain. One healthy program is better than two on life support.
Very true, Norm. It's a good thing that we have another BS program available at Utah Valley University. While it's not the original flagship program we had as SLCC, it's a much finer tuned program under excellent leadership and instructors. I have one boundary law class that I teach there too. It's a great opportunity for anyone interested in a land surveying career. Good thing it's there, otherwise we'd be SOL in UT.