Two days ago: $3.55
Yesterday: $3.75
This evening: $3.94
That's around 11% in 2 days. Wow!! I wish I had job/market like that!!
And, smokes went up over 13% since yesterday as well. Amazing!! I never realized cig prices were connected to oil wells and panic coming from several states away. I guess my programming prices just now jumped as well. I figure events many states away has something directly or indirectly involved in a programmer's personnal time.
My usual beer store hasn't had any gas for the 2nd day now. The owner just told me a while ago that his distributor wants a $10K deposit just to bring a load.
It's all freakin rediculous. (that would be "frackin" for any Battlestar Gallactica fans out there) What a frackin racket they have going on out there.
What a joke.
$5.94/gallon here in Nome.
$7.56/gallon in Emmonak.
Over $9/ gallon in Diomede.
Gallon of milk $6.00
Anchorage has a $2.00/pack tax on cigs, while Nome doen't. When I leave in the fall, I stock up here and haul them South!