David C. Newell RPLS LS CFM, post: 355507, member: 6347 wrote: If fill was placed after current map’s effective date then it’s a LOMA-F
Fill that is placed before the date of the first National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map showing the area in a Special Flood Hazard Area is considered natural grade. The Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) is the area that would be inundated by the base flood.
From Instructions for Completing Form MT-EZ
1. Has fill been placed on your property to raise the ground that was previously below the BFE? ÛÒ If Yes, STOP ÛÒ You must complete the MT-1 application form.
Question 1 ÛÒ Since the area was first mapped as a 1% annual chance floodplain, has fill been placed on the property to raise ground that was previously below the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), or the 1% annual chance flood elevation?
Check ÛÏNoÛ if: NO FILL has been placed below the BFE since the date of the first FEMA map that showed the areas was a high flood risk area (see map dates in the FEMA Community Status Book).
If fill HAS been placed below the BFE sometime after the date of the first FEMA map that showed that area as a Special Flood Risk Area (SFHA) or a high flood risk area, you are not eligible to apply for a LOMA or LOMA-OAS (Out as Shown).
I don’t think FILL is based on current effective map date, but on the date of the FIRST map.
DDSM (CFM):beer: