Using the "C" data line for completely free coordinates in Star*net
At risk of beating a dead horse, I must ask a question touched on in various previous threads another way, regarding the use of the “C” data line in Star*net. The manual says this:
“Coordinates are normally entered as completely fixed so they wonÛªt be adjusted, or as completely free to be adjusted. However at times you may wish to enter coordinate values with specified standard error values so that the coordinates are not considered completely fixed, and will be allowed some movement. These entered standard errors might be standard deviations resulting of some previous adjustment, or possibly standard deviations supplied along with some GPS points provided by others. In all cases, standard errors are entered in the same ÛÏorderÛ as the coordinates.”
If one desires to have various coordinates completely free…i.e. no standard errors, or constraints on their position, why even enter them?
In one recent project, I “#’d” out all the C lines, except those I wanted to hold. The error factor of the adjustment changed by .001 (not sure why).So, the question is: is there any difference at all between a line that reads, for instance:
C xxxx.xxxx yyyy.yyyy zzzz.zzzz * * *,
and no line at all?
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