Transform points in SurvCE to get a new .rw5 file
I’m doing some serious housekeeping in anticipation of a “global” Starnet adjustment for my project, and have some older traverses I’d like to include, but they were based on a couple of points I’ve held throughout, but at the time had different coordinates than what I’m using now.
I’d like to translate the traverses to the new coordinate system, but I’d like to have a so modified .rw5 file at the end of the day. So I opened one of them in SurvCE, then loaded my new control file, then went COGO, Transformation, put a point in the first screen and “mapped” it to the same point in the new control file. At the next screen:
It asks me for a range of points, so let it choose all of them.But for some reason, it doesn’t. It just changes those of the one point I chose in the previous screen.
Anyone know why this might be?
Am I on the right track to get myself an updated .rw5 file using this method? If I need to do it manually for each point, I guess I’d be fine with it; there are only 5-6 points I’m holding so I could do ’em one by one, but if there’s an easier way, ideas are most appreciated.
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