JXLs do not contain static or PPK logging data files – those are always stored in the receiver (or possibly on the controller if someone really likes not being able to use their controller when running static sessions).
When a JXL is exported out of Access, if there are any ancillary files (linked CSVs or DXFs, images tagged to points in the job, scan data from the SX series, etc.) being used, they are exported to a folder with the exact same name as the JXL, in the same location as the JXL. If the operator is actually starting their static sessions with the correct job file open, and downloading them to their controller from the receiver afterwards, those static files will also be in that associated folder.
Then when a JXL is imported to TBC, it will automatically look for that folder, and then pull in associated images and static files if it finds them.
You can always drag and drop T02/T04 files to TBC like usual, but the bottom line is that they are not integrated into the JXL (XML) data format.
(Edit: I should also note that if you are looking for static data from an RTK base receiver, make sure that they know to set their survey style so that the base is on “RTK + Logging” rather than just “RTK”. That will also be logged to the receiver, just like a standard static file, and will be associated with the job too.)
“…people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.” -Neil Postman