Survey in Question – Need some direction
Hi there,
I am looking for some recommendations from the group regarding a parcel of land I purchased (roughly 29 Acres of wooded land) about 3 years ago. The land is located in Virginia. This parcel of land I have been hunting for about 20 years and my father-in-law has hunted for about 40 years. The land is clearly marked with paint and timber growth changes from past cutting. Also, there are a few chopped trees along the paint lines and a couple monuments at corners of adjoining land owner’s parcels. My Father-in-law witnessed the harvesting of the timber 40 years ago on the land.
I purchased the land knowing there was not a survey and worked with an attorney who did his due diligence. Fast forward a couple years and I decided to have the timber harvested. The timber company came out to flag the lines and that is when I noticed his flagging was WAY OFF. I started to ask questions to the past owner who inherited the land from his grandfather. He went through his grandfather’s old records and found a survey from 2006 (company is no longer in business). The survey matched what the timber company was flagging which was no where close to the historical boundaries observed.
So I went to the courthouse to find the original deeds for the land. The deed denotes “cart paths” and measurements of chains with directions which related to the adjoining land owner’s parcel. There are physical markers mentioned (pine tree/cedar stob/ravines), but this goes back to the 1920’s and I could not locate any besides the ravine. It appears the 2006 survey ignores any of this. The lines the surveyor made are straight lines in the woods and seems arbitrarily constructed.
What I have done so far:
I have spoken to a surveyor who I paid to mark off the physical evidence of my parcel. I have also met with the adjoining land owner. I met him on the land and showed him the lines and asked questions. He is dragging his feet and has asked his local surveyor to investigate – this has been about 6 months ago. While at the courthouse, I noticed the survey from 2006 had NOT been recorded there. I had been told anecdotally that “if the survey is not recorded, then it is not worth the paper it written on”. I contacted a real estate attorney who disputed that statement. However, the attorney does A LOT of work for the adjoining land owner and he made that statement up front.
Sorry for the long story – I am looking for some direction from people who have seen this type of scenario. I do not want to go to court. It’s too expensive and I would like to keep good relations with my neighbors. I am leaning towards to speaking to a different real estate attorney for a 2nd opinion. I am also wondering if I should have a surveyor do another full survey of the land. I just do not know if that will be fruitful to have the same outcome.
I tried to attached pictures but do not have permissions for that.
Thank you in advanced for reading all of this!
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