Suggested wording
I am almost finished drafting an exhibit map that will be attached to a legal description for some land that the county will be purchasing for a road project. It will also be attached to the offer so the owner has a good idea of what land the county is actually wanting to purchase from them.
The final right of way is an 80′ strip that is composed of slivers of existing right of way owned by the county and pieces of private land that is being purchased. The title company has interpreted the existing right of way to be fee title – not an easement.
Someone else is preparing the description, but it will basically be a strip following the new road alignment, excepting out the slivers of existing county right of way.
I am trying to come up with a description for the various pieces of land.
Parcel “A” will be the entire strip, which will be composed of;
1.) “Existing county owned right of way” xx.xx acres
2.) “Unencumbered land within Parcel A” xx.xx acresI’m looking for a better way to describe the private land which will be conveyed with this purchase. I’m not sure “unencumbered” is the best description. Suggestions?
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