ROW description vs as constructed centerline
The plat I am working in covers the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the section. It was platted in 1890 which is pretty early for this area. The plat monuments seem to have never been set or are lost so it seems the majority of recorded surveys are coming off of the N and S 1/4 corners and holding 90 degree angle and perfect plat distances. I found rebars at the NE and SE corners of the property I am surveying that fit well with this scheme. I can’t find the source of these rebars but they fit good so I am probably going to accept them. I am having an issue with the west line which is adjacent to an old highway. The road was punched through the middle of the blocks. The 60 ROW is 15′ of platted alley and 22.5′ deeded from the lots on both sides of the alley. The road was initially established around 1905. The issue is that the constructed centerline of the road is about 3′ west of where it would be based on the perfect plat dimension and this increases to about 8′ if the lines are extended north. So if I hold the plat distance I am leaving about 3′ between the property and the as constructed road or if I accept the road as the location of the center of the block I would measure the lots 3′ larger then as platted. Just for reference the centerline of the road would be 1107.50′ E of the N/S center of section line based on the plat distance. So the question is was the road centerline intended to be constructed at the center of the right of way. How could I determine that one way or the other
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