River Crossings
NGS has updated their iconic NOAA Manual NOS NGS 3 with an alternative river crossing method. The old method worked well but required special equipment and training,
The new method uses optical theodolites (no EDM required), but of course a good total station would work as well. Basically you need two instruments and two sets of custom targets. Not just any old instrument will do, here is a table from the document:
I have a Wild T3, Wild T2, Wild T3000, and a Kern DKM2. Now I have something I can use these fine old instruments on. We have a number of locations where we need to do this, but even though I took the river crossing class at Corbin (NGS), I did not have the equipment that was required before this new method was approved.
Here is a link to the document:
New River Crossing Method using theodolites
I had developed my own method in 1988 using two theodolites (and EDM’s), and we did 5 crossings with 3 other crossings places where we could cross on dam piers as well to prove the accuracy. That was part of a 130 mile second order class I level line. The procedures were similar but not the same, my method required EDM’s on both sides, but the line of sight did not need to be horizontal. Also, I used stadia methods to transfer the elevation from each instrument to a nearby invar (not bar coded) rod. But, I no longer have any non bar coded rods.
Now I just need to get some targets fabricated.
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