Ring Ring -ish
Not a ring ring, but a You’ve Got Mail.
I did the original surveying for a subdivision (circa 2005). The POA allows for the consolidation of adjoining lots so that property owners will then only be charged a single POA dues.
September 7th, 2022 I exchange emails with an individual about taking 4 lots he owns and consolidating to make two lots. I explain the process, cost and time needed to do so.
Today (an hour ago), I get an email that is like he is contacting me for the first time about the subject. I just copy and paste the earlier email and say “Per Sept. 7 email…”. He also wants to know if I can get it completed by the December 31 deadline that is the turn over date for the association dues for the next year.
Assuming I had nothing already in the schedule. December 31 is a Saturday, so none of the county offices needed will be open. Friday, December 30, all those offices are also closed for the day per holiday schedule. That leaves the rest of today (28th) and tomorrow (29th) to do all of the required steps (1- site visit and confirm corners 2- prepare drawing 3- ship to client for signature (he’s out of state) 4- get client to ship back 5- get over to county judge-executive office for signature (two counties away) 6- get over to clerk’s office for filing).
For me, it is just a matter of – oh well, I can’t get it in the time you want. But I would be happy to do it in the time frame I can manage.
How about you? Are you the just do whatever it takes to get it done to have another happy client type, charge more and get it done type, or the that is entirely to little notice can’t do it type?
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