RE: The magnetic north pole
For the F. Petrelis article see: https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1029/2011GL048784
If I want to review a scientific paper behind a paywall I try Google Scholar first, author web pages, local university libraries, friends, and finally contact the author to request a copy.
Thanks for the link GeeOddMike. Way back when I worked as a hydrogeologist and was an AGU member researchers would often publish initial findings in publications like Geophysical Letters and publish the full results later in another journal. Since I was a “water weenie” the big meat and potatoes articles were in Water Resources Research, but initial results sometimes were published in Geophysical Letters.
Yeah, my alma mater has a really good library with many scientific journals in print. The problem nowdays is finding a parking spot within a mile of the campus. Interesting hypothesis that the further from the Equator the continental plates are the more frequent the reversals are due to interactions between the remnants of the subducting plate and the mantle/liquid iron core interface.
When I went to school, plate tectonics was the HOT new theory so I was in the midst of the change. Older texts talked about miogeosynclines and eugeosynclines and new texts talked about subducting plates and the related formation of island arcs, etc. Too early to delve into how the remnants of the subducting plates interacted with the lower mantle and liquid iron core.
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