question for survce users
I do not post much but do read every day. Enjoyed the posts and have learned some things. Been a PLS here in NC for over 30 years. My question is under Job Settings, the System Tab, Edit Projection List, under name I’m using USA/NAD83/NC. If view is selected the EDIT/VIEW SYSTEM screen is displayed. There is a tab to Edit/View Datum. When this tab is selected then the Define System screen displays. It of course it shows the parameters of the Nad83 etc. There is a checkbox at the bottom of the screen (GSF File is relative to WGS84). My question is using Nad83 , the North Carolina VRS should this checkbox be checked or not checked. Survce came with this checked. I have collected several GPS CONTROL monuments with it checked and unchecked. Results show very little differences in x,y,z. I understand about geoids and the Grid, just wondering about this checkbox. Called Carlson support on this and the help guy said he had never seen this screen.(Hum) Just wondering what you fellows that use survce have to say? My version is 5.07 10/18/17
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