Need for Sensible Map Closure WITHOUT labels
One of the failing of AutoCAD Civil 3d is the usage of closure reports using labels. I downloaded a trial of Carlson hoping this would be better, but it also uses labels.
The primary problems is that a label is an approximation of the line information, as it is rounded to whatever we deem to be convenient. The ridiculous thing is that all the information about the line is easily available from the line, without the need for labels (this is cad after all).
EX: N48d12’14″W, 123.45 (label) may actually be N48d12’13.5612356″W, 123.454545 (actual)
Why does this matter / why am I even concerned?
I attempted to do a mapcheck for a mile long roadway, which had 20 or so curves built into it. Curves are notorious at screwing things up in mapcheck with labels, as the mathematics of curves requires a high level of precision. Anyways, mile of road, 20 curves, ended up with a 3′ bust in the mathematics. I tore out my hair, determined the problem, changed all my labeling to 7 decimal places, recalculated and everything worked out wonderfully USING THE SAME DAMN LINEWORK!!!!!!!
Why not just create a new custom template/ custom labeling for your mapchecks ?
Because it is unnecessary, and it pisses me off to need to do so.Solution?
I have looked into things, and may have determined a solution. Unfortunately it requires some coding, and my knowledge of Visual Basic is dated to say the least. Perhaps someone here can help, and create a product for all us beerleggers to use.AutoCAD Civil 3d has a method to load all the raw line info about a polyline through the Coordinate Geometry Editor.
[Survey Tab] -> [Coord. Geo. Editor] -> [Load Traverse From Polyline] -> [Select Polyline] -> {line info loaded into table} ->[Save traverse to File]Geometry Editor Creates a File that Looks like this (we will call this the input file)
Traverse Data
9984.82409515, 9978.36175767
9984.83692510, 9978.37295228
Use Scale Factor
Scale Factor
rotation 1
rotation 2
L,N 14å¡46’31” W,621.92414039,,,,0
L,N 77å¡27’14” E,438.94035161,,,,0
C,S 56å¡52’56” E,429.15025917,-300.00000000,,,0
L,S 11å¡13’07” E,471.22934331,,,,0Now, contained within this file is ALL the required data to perform a mapcheck report without dealing with the rounding errors found via the labeling method, and all that is required is a visual basic program capable of reading the input, line by line, processing using some simple mathematics and creating an output file.
I have attached a few files for anyone up to the task. I also have the VB coding to convert DD’MM’SS” to DD.ddddddd and back.
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