LOMR-F with a small retaining wall?
I have a client who is proposing a new garage on his small, gently sloping property near a river. About 1/3 of the proposed garage is up to about 6 inches below the BFE. I’m preparing a plan showing the proposed garage with proposed fill around it to submit to the local conservation commission, then apply to FEMA for a LOMR-F to avoid flood insurance.
Due to extremely limited area available to provide compensatory storage for the fill in the floodplain, I am proposing a timber landscaping retaining wall on 2 sides of the garage, about 2 feet away from the foundation. This wall will be backfilled to 6 inches above the BFE. The proposed wall height is only 12 to 15 inches high maximum.
My question is:
Does anyone know if FEMA will accept this (for the LOMR-F) as long as the LAG immediately adjacent to the foundation is higher than the BFE? I don’t see why they shouldn’t, but before I go to far with this, I thought I’d ask if anyone has tried or seen something like this before.
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