GPS RTK FIX Problems anyone?
I have a Sokkia GRX-1 with recent firmware and radio updates and a Ranger 3 running Survey Pro version 5.8.1. I a have been having trouble ever since the GPS rollover getting and keeping a fix on my points from the satellites. I use an RTK network rover on the Mississippi GCGC network to start with to get my first good SPCS point, then switch to base and rover to do my survey. I usually do not have many problems with getting this one point. However, when I shut my system down entirely and start over with the base and rover, I seem to have trouble getting enough satellites to get and keep a fix. At first, and during morning times, I am tracking up to 12 to 14 satellites after I let the system set for about 10 minutes to gather all the information the system needs in order to start collecting data. However, the number of satellites tracked steadily drops down to about 6 or 8 “green” satellites with 2 or 3 “yellow” satellites for a more difficult time getting a fix on a point. It is taking longer than usual to do my work because of the fewer satellites giving me a good fix. It usually takes a minimum of 9 to get a fix, but 10 or more works much better. It is taking longer to do my work, and as the day wears on it gets worse. Sometimes after 11 pm and on through the afternoon, I don’t get but 6 or 8 satellites with some of them “yellow,” and I stay in autonomous or float mode pretty much the rest of the day.
Is anyone else having trouble getting a good GPS RTK fix on points in the afternoons? A call to the dealer help line indicated many problems from a lot of people having trouble and difficulties in getting their $urvey gear to work efficiently or at all. I work with a guy who has a Topcon Hiper-V system who has the same problems. I have tried shutting the system down completely and starting up again, and re-booting my Ranger to see if that would help. It does, somewhat, but it either does work for a little bit or not at all. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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