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Carlson Survey Commands Not Working
Posted by ken on February 9, 2012 at 10:27 pmI’ve seen it a few times…you open up Carlson Survey and the commands like “I” for Inverse don’t work, along with about everything else. I’ve restarted the computer, etc., it’s still hung up on something. Anyone have any idea how to coerce the thing to work again?
cptdent replied 12 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 7 Replies -
7 Replies
Survey with Intellicad or Survey with Embedded AutoCad?
Either way, it sounds like your PGP file has been corrupted. Find the Quick key file – *.pgp – and see what is listed.
Your best bet may be to go to the Carlson web site and download the current build. Many times that fixes most of the odd stuff. -
If it is 2007 standalone, I think there is a downloadable update. We were running 2009 on win7 and some of the pull-down commands were not working.
My suggestions would be to:
1. Launch the program via Start — All Programs — Carlson Software… (etc).
2. Once the CAD engine has completed loading, check the Text Window (F2) to see if any errant messages have been reported. Feel free to relay it/them to me (lnelsonATcarlsonswDOTcom).
3. If no messages are forth-coming and the commands still don’t work, my only other suggestion would be to exit gracefully from the application and re-install using the latest build of the product (available at (you should be able to leave the current install in its place).
If this doesn’t solve the problem, a call into the Carlson Technical Support Staff would be my next suggestion so they can run through some diagnostics with you.
Ladd Nelson
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Thanks Lad, I’ll give it a try. It’s Carlson Survey 2012 Standalone w/ Embed AutoCAD.
I fire it up by itself from the start menu, everything works fine..but when I navigate into a server drawing, right click, open with “carlson survey” it hangs up. Like I said, used to work fine doing it that way. But I think all of you are right, something got corrupted. -
If the program seems to be operating properly via the normal program icon (e.g. Desktop icon or Start — All Programs — Carlson Software…), it sounds like there might be an issue with either the Windows DWG extension file association (e.g. the functionality that allows you to launch an application by double-clicking on the application’s “document”) or a programming change that was made to the start-up mechanism used by Carlson Survey (it’s possible the supporting Carlson programming start-up files aren’t being launched or initialized from the Windows File Association).
I heard a similar situation with one of my clients about a week and a half ago and will make sure programming is aware of the potential issue and report back here if I hear of any other suggestions. In the mean-time, my suggestion is to launch the program through its Desktop short-cut (or Start — All Programs…) and then navigate to the DWG via the program. This will make sure the programming environment is properly loaded with the AutoCAD engine.
Ladd Nelson
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“Thanks Lad, I’ll give it a try. It’s Carlson Survey 2012 Standalone w/ Embed AutoCAD.
I fire it up by itself from the start menu, everything works fine..but when I navigate into a server drawing, right click, open with “carlson survey” it hangs up. Like I said, used to work fine doing it that way. But I think all of you are right, something got corrupted.”I believe this may be the problem. Try downloading the drawing file to the job folder on your computer and see if all works well. If so, ask the IT guys to check the server settings.Appears that Carlson and your server are not playing well together.
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