Spent the day staking property line. I brought along another surveyor since a 1/2 mile of it was in hawthorn and junk. Turns out the R10 didn’t even notice. We were in canopy for much of the morning 1/4 mile or so covered the west end of the E-W centerline of a Section and about the same covered the east end. The rest of the day was in mostly open ground and we set the remainder of the lines in a couple of hours. Plus the little base radio got the entire 2-1/4 miles we had to stake even though there are huge hills and deep valleys along some of the line. It seems to be even better these days than it was when we first got the receivers. I was in some of the same stuff with my R8’s staking a mile of line a few weeks ago before the leaves came out and it did OK but struggled compared to the R10, which didn’t even blink the entire day.
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