BLM manual 1973 dates of examples?
The BLM/GLO manual of 1973 has a series of examples of corner markings/other information that seem to be nearly identical to the examples in the 1930 manual, except the dates have been changed. The dates have been “modernized” to 1971 or 1972. In some cases, it doesn’t make sense. We were not using chains in 1972 to make measurements. It just seems odd. Curious if someone can shed some light on this?
Examples: (page numbers from GLO manual, not pdf)
1930 1973
Page Date Page Date
234 1916 –> 109 1971
356 1927 –> 184 1971
471 1927 –> 242 1972https://www.ntc.blm.gov/krc/uploads/538/1930%20Manual.pdf
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