Beware of what your camera sees
Another surveyor was kind enough to forward a photo to me today. Apparently this was one of many submitted by someone applying for a grant for sidewalk improvements in a very small, but incorporated, city. I will not post the photo for fear of being ostracized. Picture, if you will, a photograph showing about one block’s worth of one half of a very poor street with a cruddy old sidewalk with a partial view of whatever is close to the sidewalk on that side of the street. In this case, there is an old pickup (old enough to have an antique license plate on it) with a very well used tool bed mounted on it shown parked in a driveway near the photographer. Despite the oblique angle, one can read a bumper sticker that someone has placed on the rear of the tool bed. The bumper sticker has two words. The first is “I”. The second has ten letters, starts with “MA” and ends in “ATE” and has a meaning that suggests self-pleasuring. Why anyone would place such a bumper sticker anywhere is beyond me. But, the fact that it was accidentally included in the grant application is FANTASTIC!
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