Angry Client and Irrefutable evidence
We performed a survey recently in coastal Palm Beach County. The lot is less than 500′ from the called for 1/2 section corner on the north section line, except it has been paved over a few times and is now in the middle of a busy intersection. The owner and his neighbor are having a dispute, what a surprise. “His camper is parked over here..blah blah..” Upon finishing the field study of the lot I found the line in question to be plus or minus where it should be and by plus or minus I mean not the 3 feet the client is looking for. In fact, when I dug up the iron rod and cap in the back yard he asked if we had just set it there and began to try and pull it out, while I said “No we did not just set that and you cannot disturb it…” It was about 1′ deep and had shovel marks, ridiculous accusation. I found 3 out of 4 of his corners as the neighbor he is friends with had decided to pour a slab and stack a pile of junk on top of the fourth that I could not get to. The line in question is at least 2.5′ east of a chain link fence which was the presumed line. The house was located and came out not very parallel to the property lines, which I knew from having one of my guys setup on one rod and cap sighting the rear and swinging the Philadelphia rod off of the rear and front building corners. The rear corner read about 11 and the front close to 9.5. Office research found a survey from the late 70’s when the house was built and finalized with a very hard to read tie to the property line of close to 9′ with front ties that are not equal. He claims “There is no way my house is not parallel to the property line and I will not pay until it is proved otherwise.” I’ll be doing a little more work to tie in the surrounding subdivision boundary as well as section corners to the west, and I’ll be happy to cut out the 1/2 section corner under fresh pavement and blame it on our client. 🙂 Not sure if it will pay off monetarily in the future for this particular job but some owners just need to be told they don’t own what they don’t own, but I guess there is always a chance we are wrong too….
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