ALTA Item #18 What would you do?
As a Surveyor on a site, we are required to report this if there is any “Observed Evidence”. If I were a solo operator, I would only have “Observed Evidence” on the surface and would be reported as such in the notes.
However, the Co. I work for is engineering the site for development and there is a Geotech report of the site that has the soil conditions. I cannot find anywhere in the report that mentions (by others) that there is any “Observed Evidence” below the surface.
1. If you had that report, would you make a general comment about it on the ALTA even though it has zero relevance to the ALTA? (IE “See Geotech report, dated xxxx for soil info”)
2. If there was a reference in the report of below ground evidence, would you mention that on the ALTA, knowing that as a Surveyor in a medium sized company, you may have never been made aware of that Geotech report?This ALTA has not been certified yet, we are still going through the draft. I’m trying to get opinions and settle a discussion.
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