If, like me, you've been wondering recently why we haven't seen posts from @holy-cow (who typically posts several times per day), well... we received a message from Mrs. Cow. He was mauled by a bull while loading cattle. He was life-flighted to the hospital, where he underwent a 5-hour surgery on his broken back. He's been told he may never walk again but they are holding out hope. Apparently, he got one of his feet moving today, but doctors explained that it's likely reflexes and spasms at this point.
Let's send him some positive surveyor energy. I will keep you informed as I learn more.
We love you, Holy Cow. We're rooting for you. ❤
Terribly sad news. Wishing him the best.
Get better soon Cow!
Licensed Land Surveyor
Finger Lakes Region, Upstate New York
Prayers for sure. Most definitely keep us posted.
Holy crap! That had to be scary. Get well soon Mr. Cow.
Horrible news. But he's alive and fighting which is good news. Best wishes on your recovery, Mr. Cow.
What a terrible accident; we all know he understands his way around cattle and to have this happen is tragic. Hang in there cow!!!
Dang, Man. Best wishes and please get well soon.
Prayers for Holy Cow, Ms Cow and the family. Hang in there and fight!
Get well soon Mr. Cow.
Prayers up. The human body is an incredible machine. If anyone can take advantage of that, it is Mr. Cow...
That is horrible news. I will definitely be keeping him in my thoughts.
Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get me.
Peace and love to you Cow.
Historic boundaries and conservation efforts.
I'm looking forward to the day he gets his hands on a keyboard and tells us how certain of the staff at the hospital are distantly related to him or to Mrs. Cow.
That's tough to hear. Been on the receiving end of one of those, though not that serious, about all you can do is wait til its over. Sincerely hope the divine bovine makes a speedy and full recovery.
Ditto all the above well wishes.
And the one about finding distant relations.
Good luck Mr. Cow. Wishing you the best.
Earnest prayer for swift and complete recovery from this part off the planet. We need you here, Cow.
Sad news indeed!
Prayers for a speedy recovery...